Granny Battalion



February 6, 2023

"Battalion Babusia" (Granny Battalion) is an association founded in Kriviy Rih following the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is a grassroots initiative made up of about twenty women, mainly pensioners. These former workers, education workers, refugees from Kherson and Donetsk prepare meals for the soldiers which they then deliver to the trenches. They also run a clothing distribution centre for the refugees. The association survives thanks to the local solidarity of the neighbourhood, which it in turn helps to strengthen. It also depends on the small resources of the organisation's members, whose pensions barely reach the minimum income. The premises that the "Batallion Babusia" has obtained from the town hall leave much to be desired: there is no heating or electricity and the roof needs repair.

ENSU's immediate priority is to raise 1250 EUR to buy a diesel generator and building materials to repair the roof of Granny Battalion’s workshop
You can support the Granny Battalion in Kriviy Rih by making a donation to the following ENSU account, with the mention / "Granny Battalion".

ENSU/RESU account in Euros. Payment to Adam Novak, LT43 3250 0840 1423 8658, BIC REVOLT21

On PayPal via

On Revolut via @adamlg35v