Marko Bojcun (1951-2023), a Ukrainian Marxist

Figure of the Ukrainian anti-Stalinist Marxist left, Marko Bojcun (March 21, 1951-March 11, 2023) has just disappeared. He is notably the author of The Workers’ Movement and the National Question in Ukraine: 1897-1918 (The labor movement and the national question in Ukraine: 1897-1918, Brill, 2021). Syllepse editions offers a free and free download of a collection of Marko Bojcun texts which return to the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921, the development of capitalism in Ukraine after independence and its contradictions as well as his activities in the left opposition.


Solidarity, humanism, socialism: in memory of Marko Bocjun, Denis Pilash

“We went from Ukrainian nationalism to radical socialism, some of us to Trotskyism”

Approaches to the study of the Ukrainian revolution

Ukrainian Trotsky

The causes of the Ukrainian crisis

Development strategy and accumulation regime: the return of capitalism in Ukraine

The labor movement will inevitably be reborn in Ukraine

Marko Bojcun (1951-2023), a Ukrainian Marxist